Well now this an interesting bit of news. A new display standard for the PC. Apparently this new breakthrough performs better than Liquid Crystal Display, Plasma, and Cathode Ray Tube displays. Which does infact mean higher resolutions for the household computer system. We may very well be coming into an age where 4096x3072 will be the new display limit for monitors. As you may already know, that resolution is the equivalent to just over 12.5 Megapixels.
What affects will such a breakthrough have on the future of videogaming?
What affects will such a breakthrough have on the future of videogaming?
yeah; but I was thinking bigger monitors that can sort of enclose you in a gamming environment. You know; like omnimax.
Well it's all possible man. Imagine Garry's MOD. LOL
Hehehe, that would be very fun, CS:S 50 Vs. 50, EMU style, except for the fact that every1 is in their pwn "minimax" :D:D:D:D
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