Organic LED Display
If any of you ever watched Minority Report you would remember the amazing transparent displays that were shown in the movie. Well, out of the science fiction and into the real-life. Organic LED is the answer. Using this display feature potentially any type of glass or plastic larger than 100 nanometers thick can become a display monitor.
Will transparent displays become a new standard?
50th Post!!!
Will transparent displays become a new standard?
50th Post!!!
Ugh u say? now why would u say a thing like that? It is a very amazing development though I must admit.
It seems to me that all will be better when we all have thin screened puters that we can carry around in our pockets. Teh power of AMD and Nvidia will make this possible ;)
...And German scientists. You sorta left them out. :P
lol, the EMU. Yeah that was pretty fun. How many trips did it take Frio? 6? Hahaha.
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