Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Google & AMD

Google is widely known about by the common man, but AMD has quite remained a mystery. The servers Google have been relying on have been of poor design, mainly because their processors were made from Intel. They had a tendency to be too high of maintenance; But now Google has seen the light and has purchased 200,000 AMD-based servers. This is more good news for AMD.

Will AMD continue to rise in popularity and quality?


Blogger Pupitmiser said...

I'd have to agree; but another strong suppoter of Intel-based systems is the familiarity it had with the common man. Which really needz to change and hopefull will.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

lol, those no0bz. Oh well, I suppose they think they know about computers because so few people know MUCH about them.

2:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was talking to a guy in Goodwill (gr8 place for discout parts) and he starts talking about Intel to me, and I ask him how he knew so much, and he said that he was an "expert" on computer hardware. I asked him what he knew about AMD, and he gave me a wierd look, and said AMD? what's that?
I told him it was a better processor manufacturing company. He then went all bitchy about macs for some reason. He thought that google used Mac systems for serverz. :P Signed, Esgar

6:30 PM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

lol; what!? Google purchased like thousands of Opteron servers. lol, what a no0b. He has NO clue what he's talking about. Hahaha.

9:36 PM  

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