Reverse Hyper-Threading
AMD's Hyper-Transport technology essentially allows you to gain more performance from all of your system hardware through the use of very fast front-side bus. This technology has been implemented into AMD's Athlon 64 line for 3 years now. Intel's Hyper-Threading technology was one of the only ways they could compete with AMD's Hyper-Transport. Hyper-Transport essentially allows you to gain more performance from all your programs on multiple threads. The reason AMD's systems run games so well is because they're all single-threaded. Now it seems AMD has come up with their own way of improving performance on multi-threaded programs.
Will Intel counter AMD's improvements with a new technology this year?
Will Intel counter AMD's improvements with a new technology this year?
Don't be so sure Frio; I've done more researh than you. Intel is developing a way to make use of both cores in their dual-core setups so that one core may operate one thread while the other can operate another. Kinda ko0l if u ask me.
bah... whatever intel comes out w/will suck my bawlz hehe suck em intel cus liek u r a no0b fest hehehe
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