IBM Back In The Game
Just recently, IBM unveiled their newest processor. The Power6; it's another dual-core. Yes, this dual-core is coming late in the game compared to AMD & Intel who are hard at work concerning their quad-cores and beyond. The amazing thing about this Power6 processor is it's speed. Running at a stock clock of anywhere from 4-5 Ghz per core and a cumulative 8MB of L2 cache, this processor would prove to be the fastest dual-core out there. Prices have not yet been released, but either way, IBM is back to making quality processors for the next generations.
Will IBM gain popularity from this new processor?
Will IBM gain popularity from this new processor?
Yeah it's an unexpected move for IBM. But a wise one. Try and answer the question next time.
I think that I will enjoy bragging about a dual-core 5.0GHz proc and an Nvidia 8XXX series GPU :P
Uh, yeah, "Will IBM gain popularity...?" You didn't answer that.
*SIGH* does nobody answer questions anymore.....I think that IBM will gain popularity. BUT nobody can beat AMD (Being a posterchyld lol) And if IBM'S Quad cores are as nice i think AMD and Intel could have a powerful new rival.
(fires AK47 indiscriminatly into the air)
I honestly think that Intel at least will have some major competition. Amd might. I would say that IBM will gain popularity in the gamerz wyrld, that is if their processorz aren't total flopzorz
You're right; thankyou for pointing that out. IBM doesn't cater to the average person.
Yeah, kinda forgot that IBM has always been more server/business oriented. *cough* *cough*
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