AMD has finally released the specifications of it's upcoming quad-core systems. It looks like Intel and AMD are both using old technologies in new ways to meet the "quad-core" expectation. Intel was merely going to graft two of their current Core 2 Duos together in one socket, while AMD is using a dual-core opteron variant to operate on an AM3 socket. "Dual-core?", you might be wondering; well yes; two dual-cores and two CPU sockets on one motherboard. This is absolutely nothing new on the market. Setups like this have been very common in server cases as well as a number of enthusiast platforms. Now, AMD seems to think the general public should get in on this move to more than one CPU on a motherboard.
Should Intel & AMD have waited a year before releasing these poor excuses for quad-cores?
Should Intel & AMD have waited a year before releasing these poor excuses for quad-cores?
that would overheat really quickly in a laptop type of installation, not to mention the psu, bad for us, good for u desktop people tho, which is a majority so , it is a good thing
I personally think AMD & Intel should have focused all their efforts on creating true quad-cores instead of these "two dual-cores on one motherboard" idea. I just don't see the same performance and imformation flow that you'd get if all four cores were on the same chip. I mean what, an extra 6-9 months? I think we all could have waited for that. Dual-core hasn't even been out for a year and they already want to double performance; *sigh*
yeah lol sometimes i wonder bout them...i dont know all the details but it sounds like one side was putting out the "quad core" and the other side did it just to match them. but i agree they should have waited....oh well guess what im NOT gona buy (if u said 8800GTX ill crucify you) :P
Well don't get me wrong; I don't think what they've done is the worst thing. I'd rather them have released somthing if they weren't gonna bother to spend time on research. It seems to me like AMD just responded to what Intel did spur of the moment. Which is a good move for Intel because they have a larger staff than AMD. They can afford to have half on the current project and half in research. It's similar to what happened with Nvidia and their SLI. ATI had to do somthing to counter Nvidia, so they cam out with Cross-Fire.
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