Vista Gets Hacked
Well it looks like despite all Microsoft has done to prevent their newest operating system from being stolen, the pesky hackers around the world have devised a way to do it. Creating a fake license serial was the easy part, however, surpassing Microsoft's verification servers took a little more effort. All the hackers essentially did was tell the Vista operating system that a server of their choosing (containing the necessary return protocols) was the Microsoft verification server. Yeah, that's right, a DNS server; so simple. It's a very obvious strategy that can easily be done with the current XP operating system.
If XP was as challenging to pirate as Vista is, would this tactic have come about then instead of now?
If XP was as challenging to pirate as Vista is, would this tactic have come about then instead of now?
that if it had, then we would all have had a serious loss because of windows making vista suck by adding so called "security" features
MWahahahaha pirates will rule teh world...of course they would have found it...pirates always find a a law of nature (i think)
a law of nature eh? well that'd be ko0l. :P
Yeah, you'd think Microsoft would keep their DNS reconition servers for Vista Registration coded to a point where they can't be copied. Meaning that the servers themselves need to have only ONE type of interface to accept the registration from an account. It'd at least stop people from creating their own way to bypass their servers.
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