ATI Losing Popularity
It has come to my attention that the increase in price of ATI's X1800 cards, the lack of quantity, and the lack of great functionality which was supposed to tower over Nvidia's GeForce 7800 GTX is resulting in a decrease of ATI's popularity with consumers on all spectrums. With Nvidia's GeForce 8 cards being released in just two more quarters, it doesn't give ATI much time to develop a whole new graphics card technology.
What will happen when the GeForce 8 series is released and ATI has nothing to rival it with?
What will happen when the GeForce 8 series is released and ATI has nothing to rival it with?
I'm kinda thinking ATI will spend all of their efforts trying to come up with technology at a cheap price to rival the GeForce 8 Cards. They may very well succeed; but it would dearly cost them.
Can ATI spell bye-bye?
I don't think they'll realitically be leaving the market any time soon. Sry.
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