AMD has finally released the specifications of it's upcoming quad-core systems. It looks like Intel and AMD are both using old technologies in new ways to meet the "quad-core" expectation. Intel was merely going to graft two of their current Core 2 Duos together in one socket, while AMD is using a dual-core opteron variant to operate on an AM3 socket. "Dual-core?", you might be wondering; well yes; two dual-cores and two CPU sockets on one motherboard. This is absolutely nothing new on the market. Setups like this have been very common in server cases as well as a number of enthusiast platforms. Now, AMD seems to think the general public should get in on this move to more than one CPU on a motherboard.
Should Intel & AMD have waited a year before releasing these poor excuses for quad-cores?
Should Intel & AMD have waited a year before releasing these poor excuses for quad-cores?