Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Microsoft Sued Over Vista

A woman by the name of Dianne Kelley sued Microsoft for the way they promote Windows Vista. Microsoft told PC vendors which systems could be "Windows Vista Capable" before Vista was officially released. Microsoft did not specify which version of Vista each computer could support; which led to misunderstandings across the board. Most of the machines in question could only support the 32-bit version of Vista while the customers assumed their machines could handle the 64-bit version.

Should Microsoft be sued for their customer's misunderstanding?


Blogger Unknown said...

lol.. I don't think so.. :P

10:40 AM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

Yeah that made me rly mad to hear that no0bz got to sue Microsoft...I mean c'mon it's their own stupidity that made them lose money. It's not like it's Microsoft's fault they no0b'd out on em :P

11:02 AM  
Blogger tannis said...

I agree wit all y'all, but they should have at least had said "all 32bit vista versions" or 64... :O

7:46 PM  

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