Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Microsoft Operating Systems

Just weeks after Vista's official release Microsoft made claims saying every 2-2.5 years they'll develop and release a new operating system. If this is to be believed that would mean service packs would be a thing of the past. Without service packs it would stand to reason that Microsoft would have more time to work on their operating systems. However, it may also mean that due to their extreme focus on the newest operating system, updates for the current one would be simple and incomplete.

If Microsoft stands by their word, would quicker operating system release dates be beneficial?


Blogger Toy Soldier said...

I would think that unless they worked out the bugs, they are screwing themselves hard.

6:26 PM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

yeah; I got very used to XP; personally I loved it; still do in fact. But once I see a reason to actually switch over I'm sure I'll take it. It's just...XP was a very quality operating system. I would hope that the 2-2.5 year release dates wouldn't lessen the operating systems. I would hope they don't lose their quality.

6:14 PM  
Blogger Arbitor319 said...

eeek every 2 years...i cant even afford a new OS ill be buying new ones all the time. They better be damn good. If their OS's become shit from this Microsoft could stand to lose alot of customers to Mac and linix (NOT!!! :P )

2:17 AM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

oOoOoOoOoOo that's an 80s term lol :P but yes I believe you're right.

1:12 PM  
Blogger tannis said...

if we can pirate them then lets go 4 it b/c if we can then we wont need patches since thats prolly all they will b is really big patches

10:32 PM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

lol; yeah I guess so; I'm just wonderin' about their quality; if they're shit; I wouldn't even bother.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Toy Soldier said...

yeah, really, if the new OSes become worse and worse from having to be released so often, I doubt that their reputation will go up. I think that after about 6 years, microsoft will realize that they did something incredibly stupid. I say six years because at that rate they will see how well 3 new OSes have sold, and compare them to the old ones.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

yup; however; they may simply increase their popularity by releasing to the morons (average people) results that don't take into account inflation, population growth, supply, demand, & popularity of the general field.

5:09 PM  
Blogger Toy Soldier said...

oh eyah, 4got about teh vendor trash *cough cough* no0bz *cough cough*

Unless Mycrosoft gets a whole shitload of programmers and fast, their os'es will flop.

10:36 PM  

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