Wednesday, December 20, 2006

AMD Concludes Plus Rating

Ever since the Athlon XP processors were released AMD has been using the plus rating or PR system to model their chips. Since Intel and AMD measure their clock frequencies differently the PR system brought those frequencies into perspective and showed AMD winning over Intel. This led AMD through the Athlon 64 era against the Pentium 4 series. Now that dual-core and quad-core processors have come to the forefront the PR system is no longer necessary and doesn't make sense anyway. A new modeling system will be devised in the coming months of the year 2007.

How do you think the new modeling system will turn out?


Blogger tannis said...

i think that if they both play by the rules and use it correctly, it should turn out to be a good service to noobs and leets alike.. ps, when is the next guild party u r planning?

11:09 PM  
Blogger Toy Soldier said...

If neither side fucks it up, I will be surprised. If they both get it wrong, hey, no change there!

9:46 AM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

Hmmm...well I know AMD won't change anything for the worse. They might have a fusion of ATI and AMD model numbers. Like a FX-X2800 XTX :P

7:13 PM  
Blogger Toy Soldier said...

I would hate that, that would count as fucking it up in my book ;)

7:25 PM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

I think it'd be nice to have a modeling system based upon cache size and processor speed; not to mention number of cores. Like the AMD 4M 3200 X4. That model would mean the processor has 4 cores all clocked at 3.2 Ghz with one Megabyte of L2 chache per core. :) Soundz good to me at least.

8:17 PM  
Blogger Arbitor319 said...

i personally dont see anything wrong with the current sydtem...they should leave well enough alone...all it gonna do is confuse me

4:48 AM  
Blogger Pupitmiser said...

Yeah, for the first little while it'll be a lot different. I hope it doesn't take too long ot get used to it. But I can understand why they're changing. The Plus-Rating has stopped being the Plus-Rating. If it never meant what it used to then there's be no problem. They're probably changing it to refrain from a lawsuit. Intel woulf prolly freak once the 20000+'s hit the market. :P

1:00 PM  
Blogger Toy Soldier said...

LOL! I would actually like the rating if they did it like you said in your second to last post. I didn't think of it like that :P

10:11 AM  

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