Widescreen Monitors
Traditionally computer monitors have existed in a 4:3 aspect ratio. However, over the past few years the 16:9 or 16:10 ratio has become more appealing to the general public. It started first in TVs with their horrid resolutions, but eventually infiltrated the monitor market. Now resolutions such as 1680x1050 are becoming common. Some of the latest widescreen monitors have become more affordable than the traditional ones.
Will the 4:3 aspect ratio be thrown out for the 16:9 or 16:10?
Will the 4:3 aspect ratio be thrown out for the 16:9 or 16:10?
I think that unless WoW and GW, and other games go widescreen as default, we should still see teh 4:3 ratio for a while
Rly? I'm thinking that games are just goin' along with the monitors. The game companies could care less what their game is played on; so long as it runs well. For instance, I'm sure WoW & GW don't care that I play their games on a 15:4 ratio display :P
As for the monitors though; I am rather concerned that 4:3 will be lost completely for one of the newer ratios. I'll kind of miss it :( But I guess I'm already past that stage; with the most extreme consumer widescreen out there.
/cry...i love my 4:3 ratio...but if i have to i'll switch...i want to run at something close to 1600/1200...i dont see many lcd's running at that res any more....its all switching over o the widescreen...i guess its inevitable...just wished it wouldnt...seems kinda silly to me wide and short...only good if u have a triple head to go or soething uber liek that
Lol. I guess that 4:3 will go out the door, just liek B/W CRT, then Color CRT
LOL! pupit died. I guess I will /steal his puter and his uber widescreen monitorz.
lol; dead? me? never...*waits for his doom*...yeah ok nothing happened; so anyway; yeah the new Widescreen Resolutions are all weird. instead of the nice gradual mathematical progression of 4:3 now you have this crazy 16:9 & 16:10...which aren't even exact ratios when u hear the resolutions...so wtf? 1680x1050 is not 16:9 & not 16:10....it's 16.8:10.5 So when rounded it's more like a 17:11 aspect ratio. Whoever came up with these resolutions were pretty lame.
I think that they knew you'd be watching this develop, and they wanted to screw with your head...(not Jeremy style either)
Weeeeelllll i have a monitor like that, on my psp, and every program and icon l0oks squiused :)
Yeah and you'd think they'd actually try and fix the icons that look that way, but no; aparently it's too challenging for them to resize the puny little icons...
shtoopid shony. I think that the new res might give gamers a new edge, like with your thtg you have a much wider FOV.
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