Holographic DVDs
An amazing new breakthrough is to be unfolded at the end of the year 2006. The reason this breakthrough is so amazing is because it allows for an unbelievable mass storage of up to 1.6 Terabytes per DVD. Although this is the potential it will not be starting out at this capacity. The first and lowest capacity for this DVD will be 300 Gigabytes. While 300 Gigabytes may be a lot of space for a single DVD I can most definitely see how quickly this space could be taken up in the not too distant future. As if this insane amount of storage wasn't enough to catch your attention this little movie clip might. Apparently these DVDs will transfer information much faster and even compress your files so they take up a little less than one third as much space.
Do you think this new development will end Blu-ray and HD-DVD for good?
Do you think this new development will end Blu-ray and HD-DVD for good?
Ok, is this an insane development or what? I mean, 1.6 TB! You won't even need to have a hard drive anymore; you'll just take this disk with you where ever you go. I just can't wait until flash gets to be that size. But mathematically, I've estimated about how long it'll take flash memory (remaining in the size of 1CM x 3CM) to get to 1.6 TB. It'll take roughly 10.5 years to get past 1 TB and 12 years to get past 2 TB.
By the way, is it just me or does the voice in the technology preview sound like the same guy who did the voice for the technology previews in Doom 3. You know; the UAC.
So Blue Ray's disks were 25 GB capacity and 50 GB dula-layer right? Hm, well I guess HD-DVD will rule the disk market for a year. Come to think of it; people may want to use HD-DVD for it's amount of space instead of going with the mass storage Holographic DVDs will offer. Sort of like having 2 hour tapes and 8 hour ones; you end up buying certain capacities for what's necessary.
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